Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine 10th Edition, Adam Feather
- Publisher: Elsevier
- ISBN: 9780702078699
- 1,150.00 Lei
- Ex Tax: 1,150.00 Lei
Featuring new chapters covering:
- Diagnosis: the art of being a doctor – helping readers to develop a confident clinical method in interactions with patients
- Elderly medicine, frailty and multimorbidity
- Public health
- Surgery
- Evidence-based medicine
- Sepsis and the treatment of bacterial infection
- Haematological Oncology
- Venous thromboembolic disease
- Hypertension
- Men’s health
Enhanced clinical skills content has been added to most chapters - helping readers tailor history-taking and examination skills to specific specialty-based contexts.
Heavily revised throughout with smaller chapters to ease navigation, added introductions and system overviews included for most chapters.
Update 13.03.2023
Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine 2nd Edition
Published 12.09.2013 The Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine Second Edition co..
990.00 Lei 891.00 Lei Ex Tax: 891.00 Lei
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties 10th Edition
Published : 21.07.2016 Covering the core clinical specialties, the Oxford Handbook ..
750.00 Lei Ex Tax: 750.00 Lei
Davidson's Essentials of Medicine 2nd Edition, J. Alastair Innes
For over half a century Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine has informed and educated stu..
560.00 Lei 448.00 Lei Ex Tax: 448.00 Lei
Essentials of Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine 6th Edition, Nicola Zammitt
The pocket guide provides essential information for doctors based on the comprehensive Kumar & C..
595.00 Lei 476.00 Lei Ex Tax: 476.00 Lei
Davidsons Self-Assessment in Medicine, Deborah Wake
Davidson’s Assessment in Medicine is a collection of 1250 best-of-five multiple choice questions. Th..
395.00 Lei Ex Tax: 395.00 Lei
Davidson's 100 Clinical Cases 2nd Edition, Mark W. J. Strachan
Davidson's 100 Clinical Cases reflects the real world in which doctors practice medicine. The s..
430.00 Lei 387.00 Lei Ex Tax: 387.00 Lei
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine 9th Edition, Parveen Kumar
Kumar and Clark show the importance of the underpinning sciences in the understanding of clinical me..
1,160.00 Lei 986.00 Lei Ex Tax: 986.00 Lei
Goldman-Cecil Medicine 2-Volume set 25th Edition, Lee Goldman
This dynamic reference, with its practical, straight-forward style, templated organization, evidence..
2,200.00 Lei 1,980.00 Lei Ex Tax: 1,980.00 Lei
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine 8th Edition
Students, residents and instructors swear by andreoli and carpenter’s cecil essentials of medicine b..
1,180.00 Lei 767.00 Lei Ex Tax: 767.00 Lei
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine 9th Edition, Ivor J. Benjamin
Students, residents, and instructors swear by Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil Essentials of Medi..
1,200.00 Lei 960.00 Lei Ex Tax: 960.00 Lei
Hutchison's Clinical Methods 24th Edition, Michael Glynn
Hutchison’s Clinical Methods provides an outstanding source of learning and reference for undergradu..
798.00 Lei Ex Tax: 798.00 Lei
Macleod's Clinical Examination 13th Edition, Graham Douglas
This classic textbook sets out clearly and concisely how to evaluate symptoms and elicit relevant ph..
720.00 Lei 648.00 Lei Ex Tax: 648.00 Lei
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 22nd Edition, Brian R. Walker
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine provides the factual knowledge required to ..
880.00 Lei 748.00 Lei Ex Tax: 748.00 Lei
Hutchison's Clinical Methods 22nd Edition, Michael Swash
Hutchison's Clinical Methods provides an outstanding source of learning and reference for undergradu..
420.00 Lei 315.00 Lei Ex Tax: 315.00 Lei
Harrisons Manual of Medicine, 20th Edition
All the authority of the most trusted brand in medical content in a convenient, portable guideThe Ha..
950.00 Lei Ex Tax: 950.00 Lei
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology 9th Edition, John F. Salmon
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach is the classic specialty text providing the p..
2,300.00 Lei Ex Tax: 2,300.00 Lei
Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials 6th Edition, Grant S. Fletcher
Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials is a comprehensive, concise, and clinically oriented introduct..
990.00 Lei 891.00 Lei Ex Tax: 891.00 Lei
Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine,19th Edition
Published: 22.09.2016Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review,&nb..
885.00 Lei Ex Tax: 885.00 Lei
Essentials of Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine 7th Edition, Nicola Zammitt
The pocket guide provides essential information for doctors based on the comprehensive Kumar & C..
595.00 Lei Ex Tax: 595.00 Lei
Davidson's Essentials of Medicine 3rd Edition, J. Alastair Innes
For over half a century Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine has informed and educated stu..
569.00 Lei Ex Tax: 569.00 Lei
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 24th Edition, Ian D. Penman
Well over two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have..
1,090.00 Lei Ex Tax: 1,090.00 Lei
Pocket Medicine 8th Edition, Marc S. Sabatine
Pocket Medicine is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic ..
1,195.00 Lei Ex Tax: 1,195.00 Lei
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (Vol.1 & Vol.2) 21st Edition, Joseph Loscalzo
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine stands as the benchmark for authoritative, practical..
4,200.00 Lei 3,990.00 Lei Ex Tax: 3,990.00 Lei
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Ian B. Wilkinson 11th Edition
Unique among medical texts, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a complete and con..
845.00 Lei Ex Tax: 845.00 Lei