-55% Map Satellite

Map Satellite

  • Publisher: DK
  • ISBN: 9781405317627
  • 620.00 Lei
  • 279.00 Lei
  • Ex Tax: 279.00 Lei

This work provides an unparalleled view of our planet. See the world in more detail than ever before. View the spectacular satellite images of the Earth's surface and explore a detailed map at the same scale without turning the page. Discover the Earth in its entirety, from its impressive physical characteristics including the Great Barrier Reef and the Rift Valley to the living world and its natural phenomena. Special features on major cities from New York to Moscow reveal mankind's impact and show how the world is changing, from the aftermath of the Tsunami to the shrinking Aral Sea. It is perfect for armchair travelling or research projects.

Update 30.03.2021